Never underestimate the air purifier's heart:
Tungsten Ionizer Needle!
Without the ionizer, dust in the air will not enter the purifier. So, who are the important parts of the ionizer? The answer is – tungsten electrode needle.
Tungsten electrode needle, ionizes dust in the air. It plays a role in maintaining the life of the purifier. A tungsten needle thinner than your finger, but as important as a heart.
How can the ionizer make the dust in the air disappear?
Ion generators discharge and act on small particles in indoor air (eg, those in tobacco smoke), causing them to attach to tabletops, curtains, walls, floors, etc. Detrition will resuspend them in the air.
Next, a collector in the purifier attracts the charged particles back to the device. Now you can breathe clean air!
Why is the tungsten needle the heart of the purifier?
First, air pollution can affect the static elimination effect and covalent bond balance of ion generators, after long-term work.
The poor quality of the ionizer needle will also impair the electrical performance of the ionized air blower.
Currently, on the market, both tungsten material and stainless steel can be discharged.
Compared with tungsten discharge needles, stainless steel needles are less expensive, but their corrosion resistance, oxidation resistance and wear resistance are not comparable to tungsten corona ionizer needle electrodes.
Moreover, the working environment of ion puzzle’s needle electrode is relatively extreme. Generally speaking, it has to withstand 4kV or working standard voltage (2-3kV high frequency AC).
This means that the pointed tip of the ionizer electrode needle must bear a very large mechanical energy load. If the quality of the electrode needle is not good, it will directly lead to the quality problem that the product is easily damaged and the use cycle time is short.
That’s why today’s manufacturers prefer to use metal tungsten as the ionizer needle of the ionized air blower and accessories
Tungsten's shiny spots!
Tungsten is a silicide metal material with a melting point of 3390°C-3430°C. Needle tip products made of tungsten not only have the following advantages
- Good high-temperature resistance,
- Anti-wear properties and
- Chemical stability,
- Excellent electrical conductivity,
- High tensile strength,
- Greater compressive strength,
- No radioactive substances and eco-friendly
Most importantly, compared with stainless steel, the tungsten needle can also ensure a longer work life for electrostatic dust removal equipment, such as air purifiers. It enhances the ion generator’s electrostatic removal effect, thereby effectively improving work efficiency.
Recently, our tungsten needle as ion puzzle’s electrode needle, becoming more and more popular among manufacturers of air purifiers and other electrostatic precipitators.
If you also want to use tungsten electrode needle as your ionizer needle, just enter your requirement and email below, we will contact you as soon as possible!