
Tungsten micron dissection needle electrode and DAA THA are peas and carrots in the future!

Medical Surgery Yolo Materials Industry  18th, Apr 2023 1:00pm

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As early as the 19th century, Direct Anterior Approach (DAA) has been reported.

With the increasing number of minimally invasive orthopedic procedures in the past decade, this surgical approach has re-entered people’s vision.

As a true intermuscular approach, this minimally invasive small incision has become a new trend in Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA).

So, what is the key role of the powerful tool, the minimally invasive tungsten dissection needle electrode, in THA? Today, we will unveil the anterior approach of THA together with the editor.

The precision and precision of minimally invasive tungsten needles have always been one of the necessary sharp tools for high-difficulty surgery. Its ultra-fine tungsten tip travels through various intermuscular spaces.

It just provides convenience to doctors who are looking for a DAA approach.

The use of DAA approach and minimally invasive tungsten needles reduces complications, avoids intraoperative muscle damage, reduces postoperative pain, speeds up postoperative recovery, and achieves a better clinical effect of total hip replacement in orthopedic surgery.

So why is the THA anterior approach destined to choose minimally invasive tungsten needles as the best partner? We have to say a bit about their anatomical location:

There are not many palpable anatomical landmarks anterior to the hip joint.

Among them, the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) is the most palpable anatomical structure.

The highest anterior part of the iliac crest is the anterior superior iliac spine, where the sartorius muscle and inguinal ligament originate. At the midline, the pubic bone is palpable.

Knowledge of the location of the muscle and neurovascular bundles is important for a direct anterior approach.

The anterior insertion of the tensor fascia lata and gluteus medius lies just lateral to the anterior superior iliac spine (Figure 1).

The vastus lateral cutaneous nerve runs inferiorly to the inguinal ligament and superficial to the sartorius and tensor fascia lata muscles.

The neurovascular bundle consisting of the femoral artery, vein, and femoral nerve lies medial to the sartorius muscle. The straight head of the rectus femoris originates from the anterior superior iliac spine, and the reflexed head originates from the upper edge of the acetabulum.

The gluteus minimus originates from the wing of the ilium, passes through the anterolateral side of the hip joint capsule, and inserts together with the gluteus medius on the lateral side of the greater trochanter to abduct the hip joint.

In the deeper layer, the vastus lateralis and vastus intermedius originate from the intertrochanteric line in front of the femur, and the iliopsoas and its tendons begin at the front of the hip joint capsule and end at the lesser trochanter through the medial femoral neck.

A thorough understanding of hip anatomy is important to avoid complications of the anterior approach.

The 5-micron needle tip tungsten needle just helps the doctor to finely shuttle through the thin and curved path in front of the hip joint, accurately locate each anatomical level, and avoid muscle and nerve damage.

The difficulty of minimally invasive DAA THA lies in the exposure of the femur.
Fully and accurately releasing the posterolateral joint capsule determines the success or failure of the operation.

The minimally invasive tungsten needle electrode knife can accurately and accurately release the posterolateral joint capsule under the small incision view, and effectively protect the short external rotator muscle group immediately behind the joint capsule. improve the safety of surgery.

Lead Manufacturer of Tungsten Needle Electrode

Dissection Orthopedic Surgery Field

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Micron Tip- Ultra Fine and High Precision
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Yolo includes electrodes, needles, and cutting heads with different accuracy, specifications, and shapes
It is mainly used in Electrosurgery instruments. Our tungsten needle electrodes have independent intellectual property rights.
It does not adhere to body tissue, does not smoke, and has characteristics such as high density, high strength, high melting point, and high purity. The machining accuracy is controlled within ± 0.001mm, which plays an important role in surgery.

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Disposable Tungsten Wire Needle

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Tungsten Dissection Needle for Orthopedic Surgery

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